can guide schools on activities related to parent, teachers and students. also can guide universities on activities related to companies, lecturers and students.
- Conducted industries talk to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka in year 2011 on topic “Automation in Manufacturing Industries” concepts and applications
- Invited as speaker for the event Professionals back to school at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Tanjung Malim supported by Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan UNESCO Malaysia and Institutions of Engineers Malaysia on 19th November 2014
- As speaker for Engineering Talk on topic “Engineer’s contribution in automotive industry” at Sekolah Menengah Methodist ACS Klang dated 21st April 2015
- Invited as speaker on topic “Engineer’s responsibilities in automotive industry” to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia representing The Institutions of Engineers Malaysia on 27th April 2016
- Invited as speaker for STEM Education Colloquium on 9th May 2017 at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) from Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (MOE)
- Invited as speaker for Taylors’ University students at IEM for 75 students on 22nd November 2017
- Invited as speaker for UNITEN Malaysia on “Engineers’ Contribution to Automotive Business” talk dated 7th December 2017
- Invited as speaker for 33 City University Engineering students on “Introduction to The Institution of Engineers Malaysia and Route to be PE” talk dated 22nd January 2018
- As speaker for Engineering Talk on “Career in STEM” at Sekolah Menengah Methodist ACS Klang for 130 form 4 and form 5 students dated 23rd January 2018
- Invited as speaker for MMU Multimedia University on “Introduction to IEM and Route to be PE” talk dated 16th July 2018
- Giving Professional Talk to 100 final year students for Infrastructure University KL on “Introduction to Professional Practices under courses: Engineers, Society and Sustainability” dated 31st July 2018
- Invited as speaker at Taylor University for 40 final year Engineering students on “The roles and responsibilities of BEM and IEM” talk dated 5th September 2018
- Invited as speaker at UITM Shah Alam for 270 final year Diploma in Civil Engineering students on “The introduction of IEM” talk dated 27th September 2018
- Giving talk to SMK Bukit Tinggi Klang on “Taklimat STEM: Program PASCA PT3 – Career in STEM” dated 12th October 2018
- Invited as speaker at Nottingham University Malaysia Campus for 29 3rd year Engineering students on “Introduction of IEM and benefits of IEM membership” dated 23rd October 2018
- Invited as speaker at Uniten Malaysia for 200 3rd year Engineering students on “Route to be PE” dated 2nd November 2018
- Invited as session chairman for engineering talk on “Safe driving: Prevention not reaction” by Ir Hafzi from MIROS dated 28th November 2018 coordinated b IEM
- Invited as Jury for Aeromech 2019 Final Year Project Competition session December 2018 on 26 March 2019 held in Politeknik Banting Selangor organised by Politeknik Banting
- Invited as speaker for City University conducted talk to 270 secondary students on topic “Career in STEM” at SMK Bukit Tinggi Klang dated 5th April 2019
- Invited as speaker for Mahsa University on topic “Engineer: Future & Prospect” and as panel evaluator for final year student projects dated 25th July 2019 coordinated by IEM
- Invited as speaker for Tunku Abdul Rahman University College on topic “Project Management” to 200 students dated 19th August 2019
- Invited toward establishment of new ISO standard that currently being drafted with the title “Compliance Management Systems” that will bring tremendous impact to our country dated 13th September 2019 conducted by Department of Standards Malaysia
- Invited as speaker for UPM on topic “Manufacturing processes toward factory for the future” to 40 participants dated 29th June 2020 organised by UPM & IEM.
- Invited as speaker for 2 hours Webinar on Route to MIEM/PE for THB Sdn Bhd attended by 18 THB’s staffs dated 29th July 2020 organised by Sub-Committee Membership Drive Promotion IEM.
- Invited as speaker for Majlis Mahasiswa 2020 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Elektronik dan Sistem on topic “Route to MIEM and PE” for UKM Bangi Selangor organized by UKM & IEM dated 13 August 2020.
- Invited as speaker for 2 hours Webinar on Route to MIEM/PE for Curtin University Sarawak attended by 20 participants dated 27th October 2020 organised by Sub-Committee Membership Drive Promotion IEM.
- Invited as moderator for 2 hours Webinar on The Importance Of Insurance Coverage for Engineers attended by 50 participants dated 11th November 2020 organised by Welfare and Benefits & Special Interest Senior Group IEM.
- Invited as speaker for 1 hour Webinar on Leader of Enterprise for University Technology Malaysia Johor Baharu dated 2nd December 2020 organised by Engineering Faculty UTM.
- Invited as speaker for 1 hour Webinar on Automotive Management Workshop for Taj International College dated 28th December 2020 organised by Taj International College attended by 15 students.
- Invited as speaker for 1 and half hours Webinar on Route to MIEM/PE for Mott MacDonald (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd attended by 22 staffs dated 21st April 2021.
- Invited as speaker for 1 and half hours Webinar on Corporate Social Responsibility in case study for Automotive Industry on Recall for UNITEN attended by 205 students dated 30th April 2021.
- Invited as speaker for 1 hour Webinar on Occupational Safety and Health in engineering profession for UPM attended by 47 final year students dated 27th May 2021.
- Invited as speaker for 2 hours Webinar on Introduction to IEM for UPM attended by 170 students dated 11th June 2021.