Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Dewasa ini kebanyakkan berita-berita serta isu-isu dalaman dan luaran menyatakan bahawa kursus kejuruteraan Mekanikal yang ditawarkan di universiti adalah tidak menjadi daya penarik lepasan pelajar sekolah. Kenapakah begini jika ianya betul?

Jom kita lawat program Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours yang ditawarkan oleh Taylor University di Malaysia. Sila klik

Bachelor Science in Robotic with Artificial Intelligent

Assalamualaikum. Dewasa ini majoriti belia kita tak menyerlah berbanding dengan belia-belia zaman 20 atau 30 tahun lalu. Apakah sebabnya belia-belia zaman sekarang tidak berminat untuk menceburi bidang sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan matematik ini? Silalah berikan komen kalian di ruang ini.

Apakata kita lawat Taylor University yang ada tawarkan program Bachelor of Robotic Design and Development (Honours) untuk pelajari apa yang ada yang boleh buatkan belia-belia kita minat menceburi bidang ini.

 Sila layari

Program 3 tahun yang dijalankan oleh Taylor University ini adalah menawarkan subjek-subjek seperti berikut

Dengan yuran melebihi RM123,063 untuk pelajar tempatan dan melebihi USD31,807 untuk pelajar antarabangsa, pembelajaran selama 3 tahun ini melayakkan bakal graduan bekerja selain dari jadi seorang jurutera di mana untuk menjadi jurutera di Malaysia, graduan hendaklah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia sebagai “Graduate Engineer”. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan bagaimana untuk menjadi Jurutera berlesen dan juga sebagai jurutera profesional bolehlah hubungi

Keadaan Kebebasan Ekonomi pada tahun 2023

Konsep kebebasan ekonomi berfungsi sebagai kerangka penting untuk menilai sejauh mana individu dan perniagaan mempunyai kebebasan untuk membuat keputusan ekonomi. Di negara-negara dengan kebebasan ekonomi yang rendah, kerajaan memberlakukan desakan dan sekatan terhadap kebebasan, menyekat pilihan individu dan perniagaan, yang pada akhirnya dapat menghalang kemakmuran.

Peta di atas menggunakan Indeks Kebebasan Ekonomi tahunan dari Yayasan Heritage untuk memaparkan tahap kebebasan ekonomi di setiap negara di seluruh dunia pada skala 0-100, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti hak milik, beban cukai, kebebasan buruh, dan lain-lain.

Penarafan mengkategorikan skor 80+ sebagai ekonomi bebas, 70-79.9 sebagai kebanyakannya bebas, 60-69.9 sebagai sederhana bebas, 50-59.9 sebagai kebanyakannya tidak bebas, dan 0-49.9 sebagai terkekang.

Apakah kebebasan ekonomi ini menyumbang kepada faktor gaji minima pekerja di setiap negara?


The explanatory notes by BEM to potential PAE candidates on how to fill the application form, how to prepare for technical presentation and also the E1 to E5 element which will need to be covered when writing code of conduct essay.

Boleh tekan link ini untuk mendapatkan informasi bagaimana untuk mendapatkan Ir —->

Gaji minima seluruh dunia. Berapakah gaji minima di Malaysia?


Berapakah gaji minima pekerja di Malaysia? Berdasarkan rujukan di atas, gaji minima sebulan pekerja di Malaysia adalah USD289 atau bersamaan dengan RM1349.63 (9 Julai 2023).

Negara Australia pendapatan minima adalah yang kedua tertinggi di dunia iaitu USD2022 atau bersamaan RM9442.74 sebulan.

Cuba lihat negara kecil seperti Israel. Kenapa dan bagaimana pendapatan rakyat mereka minima USD1389 atau RM6486.63  sebulan?

Bagaimana ChatGPT boleh membantu siapkan kerja penulisan kejuruteraan?

Anda rasa susah atau malas untuk menulis walaupun ada banyak idea? Sejak tahun lepas, ramai sudah bercakap-cakap mengenai ChatGPT. Dengan kehadiran ChatGPT ini sebenarnya memberikan khabar yang baik bagi semua penulis.

Apa benda ChatGPT ini? Apa yang ia boleh bantu untuk jadikan hidup kita lebih baik?

ChatGPT adalah teknologi kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan teks atau bahasa natural seperti yang kita gunakan dalam perbualan harian. Bila kita tanya soalan macam kita bersembang atau membawang dan ia akan respons dalam bahasa yang kita gunakan juga.

Tapi bagaimana ChatGPT boleh bercakap?

Ia sebenarnya bukan seperti robot biasa yang bergerak atau mempunyai bentuk seperti manusia. ChatGPT diprogram supaya memahami apa yang kita tanya dalam bentuk teks dan kemudian ia akan memberikan jawapan atau maklumat yang kita perlukan. Contohnya jika kita mengalami masalah mencari idea untuk menulis topik kejuruteraan, kita juga boleh meminta bantuan ChatGPT untuk memberikan beberapa idea yang menarik.

Ia akan memberikan beberapa pilihan idea topik atau bab yang dapat membantu penulis mengembangkan kembali penulisan mereka.

Selain itu, ChatGPT juga boleh membantu dalam penulisan dialog. Kadang-kadang penulis menghadapi kesulitan untuk menulis dialog yang rasa natural, tak dibuat-buat.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, ChatGPT boleh membantu dengan memberikan cadangan untuk dialog yang lebih baik dan memperbaik ayat yang kurang tepat.

Apa yang ChatGPT boleh bantu?

i) Menghasilkan idea-idea baru untuk penulisan.

ii)Meningkatkan kredibiliti penulisan kita dengan menganalisis dan belajar dari teks yang dihasilkan ChatGPT.

dan banyak lagilah.

Tulisan di atas adalah bukan dari ChatGPT; Tulisan saya.


Virtual Half Day Course on Driving Excellence: Quality Engineering in the Automotive Industry

Venue:Digital Platform
Date & Time:22 Jul 2023 Saturday (9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Organised ByTechnical Division – Engineering Education


“Driving Excellence: Quality Engineering in the Automotive Industry” is a comprehensive exploration of the crucial role that quality engineering plays in the automotive sector. This engaging and informative work delves into the intricate processes, methodologies and best practices employed by automotive manufacturers to ensure the highest standards of quality and reliability in their vehicles.

The seminar begins by laying a solid foundation, introducing participants to the fundamental concepts of quality engineering and its significance in the context of the automotive industry. It highlights the critical need for quality engineering to address challenges related to safety, performance, durability, and customer satisfaction.

Drawing upon the vast experience of industry experts, “Driving Excellence” presents a detailed examination of the key components of quality engineering. It sheds light on the design and development phase, emphasizing the importance of robust design practices, advanced simulation techniques, and thorough testing procedures. This seminar delves into the utilization of cutting-edge technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD), finite element analysis (FEA) and virtual prototyping, to optimize product performance and enhance reliability.

Furthermore, the seminar explores the critical role of quality management systems (QMS) in the automotive industry. It delves into the implementation of internationally recognized quality standards, such as ISO 9001 and IATF 16949, and provide insights into the methodologies and tools employed to monitor and continuously improve quality throughout the production lifecycle.

“Driving Excellence” also delves into the significance of supplier quality management, emphasizing the importance of establishing robust relationships with suppliers and fostering a culture of collaboration. It discusses strategies for ensuring that suppliers meet stringent quality requirements and outline effective approaches to mitigating risks associated with the supply chain.

This seminar concludes with a forward-looking perspective, examining emerging trends and challenges in quality engineering for the automotive industry. It explores the impact of disruptive technologies such as electric and autonomous vehicles and highlights the evolving quality considerations associated with these innovations.

“Driving Excellence: Quality Engineering in the Automotive Industry” is an essential resource for automotive professionals, engineers, researchers, and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of quality engineering practices. With its practical insights, real-world examples, and strategic guidance, this seminar serves as a roadmap for achieving excellence in product quality, enhancing customer satisfaction, and maintaining a competitive edge in the dynamic automotive landscape.

Click for registration and details —>

Questions for Ethics for PAE assessment – Soalan-soalan etika untuk ujian jurutera profesional

Question on Ethics

These questions are applicable to Section B of the Essay :

Candidates would be expected to answer only ONE question out of two which would be selected by the examiners from among the 8 questions listed below:

  1. The engineer has a duty of care to the public under common law. Discuss, giving examples, the obligations that his duty imposes on himself as a Professional Engineer.
  2. If you were a consulting engineer and were submitting Turnkey tender on behalf on a Turnkey Contractor, would you consider a conflict of interest between the role of a consulting engineer and contractor? Enlarge on the ethics of this subject.
  3. Identify the areas in which conflict between the Resident Engineer’s staff and contractor’s staff can develop and give your views as to whether good relationship can be achieved without infringing on the code of ethics. Illustrate your answer from your own experience.
  4. It is clear to you that an Engineer engaged in a particular project (implement at the taxpayer’s account) is not maintaining professional standards, i.e. professional competence and integrity are lacking.
    What would be your reaction?. Will you report the above incident to the Board of Engineers, Malaysia or bring this to the attention of the client, or will you maintain silence and watch substandard work being completed?
  5. Every Engineer shall at all times so order his conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of his profession, and to safeguard the public interest in matters of safety and herein and others. He shall exercise his professional skill and the judgement to the best of his abilities in discharging his professional responsibilities. He shall also act with firmness and integrity towards all person with whom his work is connected. Discuss your responsibilities and obligations in the event that, due to building operations under charge, adjacent building have been damaged beyond repair.
  6. “Professional Engineer should be allowed to practice as consultants and as contractor at the same time”. Do you agree with this statement?
    If so, give your reason objectively for supporting it; if not also give reasons for appeasing it.
  7. Under normal circumstances, a consulting engineer should not supplant the work of another consulting engineer after knowing that the 1st consulting engineer has already been entrusted with the work. If he has been asked by the same client to take over the work of that 1st consulting engineer, what do you think should be the proper procedure in effecting this charge of consultants? How should the matter be dealt with if the 1st engineer refuses to agree to this change because he has not been paid his fees by the client?
  8. A consulting Engineer has submitted structural design plans to the local authority for a certain building. The client terminates his services after the plans are approved by the local authority. You are then engaged to take over this work and complete the project including supervision of construction. What are your professional responsibilities and those of the previous engineer who has submitted the plans? If you have to make changes to the structural drawings, what do you think should be the proper procedure in dealing with this matter and also how you assign professional liability?

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan dengan amalan kejuruteraan dan berkenaan etika kejuruteraan boleh hubungi saya. Terus wasap di 0122515093.

Bagaimana nak mohon untuk jadi Professional Engineer jika ambil kursus dalam Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan Mekanikal?

Waalaikumsalam Rafisah. Untuk menjadi Jurutera Profesional berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia, Rafisah dikehendaki untuk lulus dalam mana-mana kursus kejuruteraan yang diiktiraf oleh Engineering Accreditation Council BEM. Sekiranya Rafisah mengambil kursus selain dari kursus ijazah muda kejuteraan yang diiktiraf oleh Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia, Rafisah tidak boleh untuk menjadi Ir di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, Rafisah boleh berdaftar dengan MBOT untuk bergelar sebagai Ts atau Professional Technologist.